When you take photos, do you give a few moments of thought to asking the question “is there anything I can do to make this a better shot?” Or are you just a point and click kind of person?
A few moments before you click can go a long ways to improve a shot. Ask yourself questions about lighting. Where is the sun? Are my shadows harsh. If I move around will it improve? Should I be closer or farther away? What are the elements in the foreground and background – will they add interest? Too many things in one frame can be distracting. What do you really want to focus on?
I was recently in a local park on beautiful spring day and took the two photos you see below. The first was just a quick impulse snap. The second was after having given thought to composition. See which one you like better? 🙂

Learning about the rule of thirds can also aid in improving the composition of your shots so they have more interest. You can google it for more info. Here’s one rule-of-thirds article though to get you started on that research.
Chase Jarvis is a well known photographer. He has coined the phrase (including an iPhone app) saying “the best camera is the one you have with you.” I really like that saying. The photos above weren’t with my Canon, they were simply my android phone. The quality (clarity) is not fantastic. But if you enjoy photography, you’ll constantly be looking at the world around you in the thought of how can I take this shot in the most interesting way? If you have your phone in your pocket, why not take the shot. It is good practice and your photo journal will grow. Your actual experiences will make you a better photographer.